What: R4 races in time trial sprint, head to head sprint, slalom, and downriver in all age/gender categories as defined by International Rafting Federation competition rules. The winning teams in each age/gender category earn the 2025 USA Team Title and the chance compete in the 2025 International Rafting Federation World Rafting Championship.
When: May 17 -19, 2024
Where: Clackamas River- Estacada, Oregon
Who: Organized in conjunction with the Upper Clackamas WhiteWater Festival. https://upperclackamasfestival.org/. Contact Sue Norman (susannorman@att.net) about Nationals race events specific questions, and UCCWF organizers about other festival (camping, lodging, site logistics) questions.
Registration: Because this event is being organized by both the USRA and the UCCWF, registration will be a two part process. Teams that wish to compete in all 4 Nationals R4 race events to be scored for National Championships rankings must:
(1) register online with the USRA using the Paypal ‘Donate’ link below by May 3, 2024. The cost of this registration is $50 per team, please indicate your team name in the ‘Notes’ during checkout.
(2) Register directly with the UCWWF organizers for a registration fee of $120 per team, to be paid onsite in cash.
There may be a few spots available for onsite USRA registration (to be paid in cash), but this will be limited because of the need to coordinate SOTAR race boats provided to all National Team competitors ahead of time. SOTAR is providing identical boats to teams competing for a Nationals ranking.
Race rules: https://www.internationalrafting.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/IRF-Race-Rules-2023.pdf