Western Whitewater Championship Series 2010
The WWCS began 3 seasons ago when the Oregon Rafting Team (ORT) began to take on an active role in coordinating the dates of races and festivals in the Western United States. This coming season ORT will provide a scoring summary and event pages on their website. Prizes are awarded, and a regional representative is then nominated for both national and international levels of competition which at this time occurs only in the paddle raft racing category. In 2010 the WWCS R4/R6 paddle raft top finishers will be nominated to compete at Pre-worlds in Costa Rica.
The past two seasons, WWCS events have each drawn 45-105 competitors annually, in addition to a significant number of spectators, logistical supporters, and sponsors. Event coordinators are currently seeking a sponsor specific to the WWCS. This sponsor’s name would be directly linked in all promotions to the WWCS name and tradition. The WWCS represents the soul of competitive whitewater activities. We are paddlers, river lovers, and real people who wish to develop and nurture our respective river communities. Please contact Tim Brink nomadyellow@yahoo.com if you wish to support our efforts.
2010 Western Whitewater Championship Series
1. March 20, 21 : Saturday, Sunday : Upper Wind (Festival)
2. April 10, 11 : Saturday, Sunday : East Fork Lewis
3. April 17, 18 : Saturday, Sunday : Upper Klamath (Festival)
4. May 1 : Saturday: Cal-Salmon Race
5. May 15-16 : Saturday, Sunday : Upper Clackamas (Festival)
6. June 5 : Saturday : Payettes, Boise (PBR Festival)
7. September 11 : Saturday : White Salmon (TBD)
8. October 9, 10 : Saturday, Sunday : Burnt Ranch Gorge
– R2, R4 paddle rafts.
– Kayaks less than 9 feet.
– Kayaks 9 feet or more.
– Catarafts.
• Festival indicates that more activities will be included in addition to a downriver race. (Fun float, trainings, etc.)
• If your business or team would like manage/promote these possible events please contact me. nomadyellow@yahoo.com